Categories: Decisions, ESL Teaching, Planning Tags:

It’s been a challenging year and things have not developed the way I expected them to. I think that there are many things in life like that though… At this point, it’s difficult to say if teaching in Thailand will be a realistic goal, thus moving there may seem more like a dream or wish […]

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I recently attended a workshop to capture some images and create a vision of my life in the future. One of the things I’m really working on is believing and consistently acting towards realising that life’s fulfillment. It’s hard sometimes when encountering disappointment and roadblocks, but there is always a way. Like my friend JC […]

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Every once in a while something happens which brings fear and doubt to my mind about making the move to Thailand. It’s usually a result of not making progress, or encountering an instance or two of frustration. One of the main things that helps me overcome these times is a reminder to take action and […]

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Categories: Decisions Tags: , ,

Like all great adventures there comes a time when fears and doubts creep in to our minds. Here are some questions that I’ve asked myself when thinking about the change ahead:

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Categories: Decisions Tags: , ,

Why make this major change in my life now? That’s a great question. The answer lies in the discoveries I made last year when I reexamined my life and it’s past and current direction. After searching my heart and soul, I discovered that my happiness was lost through stress and failure, namely: bankruptcy, failed business, […]

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April 2024