Thai Meal Staple

Posted by Rob Thompson
Categories: Cooking, Food Tags:

As my first official post, I’ve decided to discuss food briefly. Authentic Thai food is amazing! I can remember the first time I had the real thing, and it was incredible; my mouth actually fell in love. Some of the best known south asian offerings are green papaya salad and basil chicken with rice. These […]

As my first official post, I’ve decided to discuss food briefly. Authentic Thai food is amazing! I can remember the first time I had the real thing, and it was incredible; my mouth actually fell in love. Some of the best known south asian offerings are green papaya salad and basil chicken with rice. These two dishes are staples in daily Thai meals I suspect because they are delicious healthy, quick, filling, and readily available anywhere in Thailand.

As North Americans, we have become so accustomed to having large meals filled with bread, pasta, potatoes, and heavy meats that our bodies struggle to absorb. One of the first things I noticed after eating Thai food regularly was that my stomach didn’t feel as heavy afterwards. I was full of delicious and vibrantly flavoured food that made me feel satisfied and satiated simultaneously.gai-1024x758

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