Every once in a while something happens which brings fear and doubt to my mind about making the move to Thailand. It’s usually a result of not making progress, or encountering an instance or two of frustration. One of the main things that helps me overcome these times is a reminder to take action and […]

Every once in a while something happens which brings fear and doubt to my mind about making the move to Thailand. It’s usually a result of not making progress, or encountering an instance or two of frustration. One of the main things that helps me overcome these times is a reminder to take action and persistent effort to move forward through it all.
What can be done to find hope and enthusiasm once again? Partly remembering that these thoughts and feelings will pass like clouds or rain on a stormy day. The sun is waiting to shine through once they break…
I can also question any negative thoughts and conclusions that my mind creates. Stay in today take a step forward and keep moving…
Talking with friends here and already in thailand really helps too.

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